Saturday, March 19, 2016


The #aussieED team were very excited to team up with the Royal Agricultural Society and the Sydney Royal Easter Show to host an event where teachers could come along, connect with other teachers, get some teacher tips  about STEM and see what the Easter Show has to offer for education.
Brett kicked off proceedings by talking about the #aussieED online PLN and defining what is STEM (science, technology, engineering and mathematics) and the first part of what it looks like. Followed by Danielle Krix and Jenny Hughes from RAS sharing what the Easter Show has to offer.
It’s important to know that the Easter Show has many opportunities for both Primary and Secondary students to attend, engage and learn with links to agriculture, science and more. They have a Primary Preview Day (day before the show opens), Resources, Risk Assessments and an Assessment Competition every year.  A lot more can be found at this link here Easter Show – Teachers.
All this was shared to the close to 200 teachers who attended on Thursday 17th March.  The #aussieED team also got to share about how they have used a range tools and resources to restore STEM into their classrooms.
I shared how incorporating Minecraft can be used to engage students and allow them to show their learning and lead to many writing, talking and listening opportunities.
Zeina shared iSolve maths program, where students planned and calculated a full day at the Easter Show – using the website, timetables, a wide range of cost factors (down to the petrol) and much more.
Kelly shared how STEM is used in high schools by engaging the crowd with a fun Kahoot! It was great for teachers to realise STEM can be incorporated into all lessons and in all parts of a teaching program.
Rob shared about STEM in Rural areas, including the Digital Sparks Challenge & Expo a range of tools for getting students to code, including how clever his daughter was to program and create an electric guitar using Little Bits.
We finished off the session by allowing teachers to get moving with the Trident Challenge where all STEM ideas, learning and discoveries were put on Twitter using the #RASedu. All of this can be viewed in the storify created using the hashtag here aussieED Live RASedu.