Friday, April 10, 2015


As a teacher who loves maths and loves to teach maths I thought I would write a simple post about some practices, resources I use after attending an in-service about a maths project my school is going to undertake.

The day did discuss some important values to the project, not only are these important to the project and maths, they are important in all areas of teaching. We were asked share a sentence on what these terms meant to us.

Collaboration - working together, teachers, students, support staff and parents.
Inquiry - students need to be questioning themselves to make learning more relevant and meaningful
Feedback - needs to be timely, personal and relevant
Coaching and Mentoring - needs to involve trust, collaboration
Goal setting - SMART (see below)
Evidence based practice - good practice that has taken place and has results.


I invite yourself to think of these terms and what your understanding is.

Feedback continued to stick out and how important it for teachers and students. The following links and text was suggested.

We were asked to think and I encourage you to also think:

How often do you ask yourself:
  • How am I going?
  • Where am I going?
  • How do I learn what my students need?

The following is a small list of some sites that I use and my students really enjoy

IXL: Activities that match outcomes and is available in a wide range of countries. Gives explanations when errors are made. Site and App
Matific: a very visual and engaging site that relates outcomes to real life experiences. Site and App
Studyladder: Each student has their own account and teachers can set tasks that link with what is being taught in class. Resources include video explanations, interactive games and printables. Site
Sumdog: A fun interactive game that involves some healthy competition. Site